Work with Wendy
Get all the guidance and support you need through our College Counseling, K-12 Tutoring and Test Prep services, and Wendy's helpful workshops.

Ready to get started with College Counseling?
If any of the following statements fits you or your child, you're in the right place!

You're planning to apply to a 4-year university, ivy league school, community or junior college.

You'd like to minimize stress by with help and support getting through the college application and admissions process.

You've budgeted to pay the average cost of $200 per hour for a private college counselor services.

You need guidance in writing and/or submitting college essays and/or personal statements along with reviews of your applications.

You have a student with a Learning Difference and you need help determining the best college fit that will support their needs

You want to jumpstart the college process for your 9th or 10th grader, or you're ready to get the process rolling for your 11th or 12th grader.
Does any of this sound like you?
Let's get started.
College Counseling Services
Comprehensive plans and guidance for students at each high school grade level

Early College Planning

Course Planning​

Summer Opportunities

Testing Plan Recommendations

College Tour Package
Freshmen and Sophomores

Team Lead Essay Specialist Meeting
Juniors and Seniors

4-Year Academic Course Planning

Standardized Testing Review

Extracurricular Activities/Summer Guidance

Customized College List Development

1-on-1 Student-Centered Support

Access to customized resources, summer guides and knowledge library

60-Minute Common Application, Comprehensive Review and Polish After August 1st

1-on-1 Personal Statement Writing Coach

Scholarship Essay Consultation

Honors College Essays

Ongoing reminders, check-in, project management support

Evaluation of Offers

Deferral/Waitlist Strategy

Persuasive College Writing Mentorship, Skill building and Development
Speaking & Workshops

College GPS is college symposium providing guidance for parents and students (grades 7-12) on the college admissions process. Attendees have the opportunity for to interact DIRECTLY with admissions officials, asking the tough questions and getting straight answers.
We partner with various schools so that students and parents understand the diversity of institutions available and what they need to consider as every institution has is different.

Summer Strategy Bootcamp is a workshop on five ways to boost your reading, writing and math skills during through the summer. Topics include: Tutoring & test prep to close skill gaps; How to help children with ADHD and make effective use of 504 accommodations; How to help students struggling in areas of learning; and Developing effective academic roadmaps through transition years.

Wendy R. Tilford’s Parent’s Guide to PSAT is a workshop that informs parents on how to use the PSAT as an early indicator of college preparedness and to determine if your student is on track.

Book Wendy
Bring one of Wendy's signature workshops to your school or organization or book her for your next speaking engagement. Frequent topics include:
Training and development for teachers and administrators
How to develop a comprehensive Academic Roadmap
Supporting a student with learning differences
Setting students up for success
Determining best school fit
Building a solid academic support system